All fellows are expected to attend and actively participate in all Professional Development Days. In addition to providing an excellent learning experience, these Professional Development Days also provide an opportunity for the fellows to network with one another and meet with Rutgers Faculty and outside speakers and preceptors.
About the PDD Series
All Fellows gather once monthly as a group to participate in the Professional Development Day (PDD) series, an important component of their training that complements the hands-on experience provided at the sponsor companies. The PDDs are steered by a committee of Fellows and are designed to enhance the Fellows’ leadership skills such as emotional intelligence, communication, critical decision making, and presentation skills. Fellows develop skill sets under the guidance of external trainers and accomplished RPIF alumni. PDDs also provide general knowledge about various aspects of drug development/commercialization and issues facing the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry, and promote connectivity and a sense of community among Fellows and alumni from different companies and disciplines.
The Fellows can learn from each other through individual and group presentations on topics and issues related to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry. In addition, outside experts provide training and professional development in a variety of areas (e.g., tools for corporate success, professional writing, presentations, meeting facilitation, negotiating, influencing, networking, conflict resolution, giving and receiving feedback, and business etiquette). Other PDD guest speakers include senior industry executives, including our successful RPIF Program alumni, who share their career paths, insights, and experiences. Importantly, PDDs provide an excellent opportunity for Fellows to interact with each other and develop lasting personal friendships and a strong professional network of Fellows, faculty, alumni, and other industry executives.
The Value of PDD