Please view the individual company brochures for more information on specific programs.
The Rutgers Component
Attend Monthly Professional Development Days
At these events, fellows share and expand on areas of interest encountered during the course of the Fellowship as well as to explore current events and issues impacting various components of the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries.
Adjunct Faculty Appointment
All fellows receive an adjunct faculty appointment at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy. There they will have the opportunity to teach, develop, and coordinate courses, serve on various fellowship committees, conduct continuing education programs, participate in various projects, and attend networking opportunities.
All fellows must complete one of the following electives during the term of their fellowship. Each case is reviewed individually and must be approved by the Fellow, Preceptor, and Rutgers.

A publication (poster/paper/article) in conjunction with a Rutgers faculty member. Topic/subject to be proposed by the fellow or Rutgers. Teams of fellows are permitted.

Completing a rotation of predetermined length at a Rutgers teaching/clinical site.

Serving as 1 of the co-chief fellows or a co-chair for 1 of the RPIF committees. Contributing a significant amount of involvement with Rutgers administration as determined by the program directors.

A project, preferably but not necessarily in conjunction with a Rutgers faculty member. Topic/subject to be proposed by the fellow or Rutgers. Teams of fellows are permitted.

Coordination of an initiative to support or better market/publicize the Rutgers program(s).